Valentin Ionescu-Tiba and fourth-ranked professional Andy Murray, who recently won the Olympic Gold Medal, have something in common. Wha? You must be kidding. Nope, not kidding. Here it is: In 2012, they each played 53 matches through the spring. (At the time of this write-up on 9/1/12)
Now, it’s one thing for a full-time professional tennis player to reach that number of matches. It’s another thing for a Tennis League Network (TLN) recreational player, who works full time, to play that much tennis. After all, tennis is what Andy Murray does for a living. On the other hand, it’s also not so unusual for Valentin—who is clearly obsessed with tennis.
“As of now (Sep 3rd) my 2012 total number of matches played in the league (from Jan 1st until Sep 1st) is 110.” it’s one thing for a full-time professional tennis player to reach that number of matches. It’s another thing for a Tennis Los Angeles recreational player, who works full time, to play that much tennis. After all, tennis is what Andy Murray does for a living. On the other hand, it’s also not so unusual for Valentin—who is clearly obsessed with tennis.
Now, it’s one thing for a full-time professional tennis player to reach 53 or more matches. But it’s another thing for a TLN recreational player, who works full time, to play that much tennis. After all, tennis is what Andy Murray does for a living. On the other hand, it’s also not so unusual for Valentin—who is clearly obsessed with tennis.
“As of now (Sep 3rd) my 2012 total number of matches played in the league (from Jan 1st until Sep 1st) is 110," Valentin says.
So move over, Mark Stern of Boston (Tennis Northeast), where Valentin previously played, your record of most matches played – 50 matches in fall 2011--has been smashed like an overhead. Although Valentin used to play on your side of the court there in Boston, he's a newly promoted 3.5 player who’s been playing with Tennis LosAngeles since September, 2010 He's now the record holder:
If you could ask him a question, would it be this one?