Sunday, June 9, 2024

Tabrez Khan - 500 Matches Played, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


Tennis League Network has been blessed to have Tabrez Khan participate in our Tampa franchise for 14 long and wonderful years.  We've been in business for 19 years so he's definitely one of our grizzled veterans.  We had to meet him at a National Tournament like 8 years ago.  

Which league are you a member of?

I am a member of the Tampa Bay tennis community

How long have you participated in your league?

I have been a member of this league for about 14 years now.

How did you first learn about it?

I first learned about this league by just searching on Google for a good tennis league in Tampa

How often do you play?

I try to play at least 1 match a week.

What do you like most about the league?

I like the flexibility and the easy to follow rules that this league offers.  It is all about encouraging more tennis!

Tell us about your most memorable match(es)

Some of my most memorable matches have also been the longest.  

Who are your favorite rivals in the league? Why?

A few of my favorite rivals are: Rob Quinn, Marty Paukstys, Nikhil Kumbalkhar, Blake Baumgartner, Ravi Darira,  Andrew Epperson, Kevin Thurman, Arnab Ray, Omar Abdelghany, Raj Anne, Atul Arya, Azhar Shaikh and Chantel Newman.

I have been playing with some of these friends for several years now.   They all have different strengths and weaknesses and strategies and it is a lot of fun playing with all of them. I think my first match in this league was with Rob Quinn and I just played match number 500 with Romit Jain a couple weeks ago.

I have the most number of wins(326) in the league so far.  Raj is right on my heels and I have to start getting younger and fitter to keep up with him!

How did you get started playing tennis?

Tennis is a great sport and I have been playing since I was a teenager. It is a great way to relieve stress and stay active while developing long time friends and a little friendly competition makes it all the more fun.

I play with my uncle Farukh Khan and my brother in law Fawad Ansari whenever we get together. Let's just say one of us wins all the time! 

What level player are you? (NTRP rating)

My current league rating is 3.75.  It has been between 3.25 and 4.75 over the past few years.   

It feels great to have played more than 500 matches for the league and to have the most number for wins in