Monday, September 24, 2007

7/28/07 The Conclusion of a Season

The culmination of every season is the playoffs: players who have won 5 or more matches in a season participate in a single elimination tourney that leads to increasing close matches and ultimately narrows down to a champion for each league (for an example, see below). Having won 5 or more matches is not always an easy task, and it takes a good amount of effort (which may involve playing a lot more than 5 matches in a given season) to make it to the playoffs. Playoff participants for a given skill level can be from several divisions of that same skill level throughout the league. A playoff pool can have anywhere from only 2 to more than 15 players, depending on the size of the league. The beauty of the playoff format is that as each round completes, the tennis gets better and better. . . until we have one eventual league champion for that season.

Spring #3 Competitive Playoffs from TennisDC

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