Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Congrats to the 2009 Player of the Years

In each city we track the most passionate players using the Player of the Year app. Shown here is the final results for Tennis-Miami's Player of the Year. Miami was by far our most passionate base of players who fell in love with our tennis league format.

The formula is based upon number of referrals to the league and points for playing matches in the league or the partner program.

Washington DC / No. Virginia winner: Phil Harris, with a record 420 pts.
Boston: Mark Stern
Chicago: Michael Braun
Los Angeles: Robert Brombach
Orange County: Peter Tran
San Francisco: Ihsan Elouafi
Miami: Brian Beno, also won an extra $50 gift card with 10 referrals in the year

Baltimore Tennis: Michael Smit
Denver: Bala Srinivasan
Minneapolis: Mark Mitchell
NYC: Lance Jordan
Philadelphia: Dedan Tolbert
Portland: Craig Ekstrand
St. Louis: Matthew Frein

We hope to have players of the year for the new cities like Tennis Orlando, Tennis Tampa Bay and Tennis San Antonio in 2010.

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