Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Profile: David Pond – A Strong Player Who Took Just a Single Lesson!

So far, our profile players have come from Tennis Boston, Tennis Philly and Tennis DC. But it’s now time –and only fair—to leave the Eastern Seaboard and head across the country to the Pond in Orange County, CA, known as David Pond--our current TLN profile. David has been a member of Tennis Orange County since 2008. With a skill level of 3.75, he is yet one more strong TLN competitor, with a superb league record of 69-41 In 2009, he was the champion of the spring season men’s competitive group, and before that he was the 2008 summer champ.

Reaching these high points took some dedication, since, although he played in high school, David had stopped playing after college for 15 years. What was his motivation to return to tennis?

“I was doing mostly mountain biking and wanted to add cardio and I had always loved tennis.”

Once again, the Internet has played a significant role in sustaining another one of our sport’s souls (not soles!) David learned about Tennis Orange County when “I typed in a search for tennis Orange County.” And he is grateful that he did.

“The Tennis OC thing has really gotten me going,” says David. “It’s an important part of my life.” Now he is such a fan of the league that he volunteers to post signs “to get the word out.” Like other TLN players, he likes about Tennis Orange County because of its flexibility, among other things.
”You can play as much or as little as you want. If you don’t like who you are playing, it’s easy to find someone else. You can play someone better or more competitive, or just hit around. Or even agree to ‘Let’s just break a sweat’ matches.”

What would he say are his most memorable matches? They fall into different types.

Some matches were quite long, 2-3 hours. “Some guys I never beat and should have.” And in true Marat Safin style “One guy cursed out of control and slammed his racket.” Another opponent was answering his cell phone while playing. And only once, in a hotly competitive match, did he have an argument about line calls. But for David, it’s all good.

“Mostly I’ve had some great, competitive matches; and 95 percent of the people have been so worth playing.”

Some other things to know about David: His favorite player is Andre Agassi. His favorite shot is a slice backhand. He follows pro tennis and has been to Indian Wells and the U.S. Open.

Although he had a couple of injuries during the past year—a pinched nerve and some back pain-- with ice, rest and a three-week break, David still manages to play 2-3 times a week! His home court is in Santa Ana, and it’s clear that he is eager to play.

“I can play after 3p.m. during the work week and am flexible on the weekends. Just let me know.”

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