Friday, April 25, 2014

Tracy Conlon's Tennis NorthEast story. - 'Comraderie, Competition and Calories burned'


      Tracy Conlon has been playing in the Metro Boston Tennis League since July 2008. Rated as a Ladies level 3.0 player she tries to get on the court once or twice a week. Tracy loves to play tennis and if she can get sweaty, burn some calories and improve her game at the same time then she is one happy player. Outside of Tennis Northeast,  Tracy is a attorney and is currently a stay-at-home mother to her children.

      Tracy will give her all to win and in one memorable match she almost dislocated her knee as she attempted to beat a better player - now that is commitment! Ultimately, she lost that match and was limping around for two days. Nothing beats the pride she felt that day, as she literally gave it her all trying to win the match.
      Rivalries are common in any sport and tennis is no different. Tracy will tell you that her greatest rivals include France Martin and Marissa Carlson, however, she says it with smile on her face as they are also all very good friends. Wins and losses have been shared evenly amongst the three; nevertheless, Tracy is always able to improve some aspect of her game when she plays her greatest rivals.

      Introduced to tennis at a very young age Tracy was forced to give it up entirely due to school and work commitments. However, the lure of tennis is never far away and she took up the racket once more in her late thirties and has been an enthusiast ever since.

      Tracy’s love of the game is helped by the league in which she plays; according to her, it is a hive of great players, which makes for great matches. Any tennis player worth their salt will want to be able to play in a league that is not expensive, is easy to schedule matches and has an enthusiastic group of tennis players keen to play singles, doubles, round robins and meet ups.

Check out our newest franchises:  Milwaukee Tennis League and Columbus Tennis League.

                                                                                    -John Duncan

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