Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Arielle Shinder – An Unending Tennis Journey from the early age of 4 years

Arielle Shinder is a TennisNewYork player. She grew up at the Jersey Shore, went to graduate school in Arizona, and moved to NYC about 4 years ago. We hope our tennis community would love to hear her story.

1. Which league are you a member of? 
I am a member of the Tennis New York Women's Division and the Tennnis New York Ladder

2. How long have you participated in your league? 
I joined the league earlier this year in Spring 2014. I started in the Doubles league.

3. How did you first learn about it? 
I was searching online for places to play in NYC and people to play with.

4. How often do you play? 
I try to play at least twice a week.

5. What do you like most about the league? 
I love that it got me back into playing tennis after I had all but given up on it as the tennis parks system in NYC can be frustrating and complicated. I have also met many very nice players that I know I will continue playing for years.

6. Tell us about your most memorable match(es):  

I have 2 most memorable matches. The first was part of the tennis ladder program. My doubles partner, Bill Inman, had passed along the name of one of his regular opponents, Leigh Flayton and I contacted her to play. If you've played her before, you know her first serve can result in an ace for her! So we start the match and before I know it, I'm down 0-4. I am terribly embarrassed and thinking, "Arielle, if you don't pull yourself together, she will never want to play you again". I guess talking to myself worked because I ended up coming back to win the match and we now play each other regularly.  My other most memorable match was against Shannon Delaney in the Women's program. We had played once before and she had beaten me pretty badly so I was hoping to show her that I could give her a real match. After starting the match up 3-0, we switched sides and she said to me "You are on fire tonight". Truthfully, I may have played those 3 games better than I have ever played tennis in my life. But Shannon is a great competitor and wasn't going to go down without a fight so before I know it the match is evened up and pretty much was a battle back and forth all the way up to 8-8. We were playing at Frederick Johnson Playground under the lights and at one point, one side of lights went out, leaving half the court light and the other as dark as can be but neither of us wanted to call this match a tie. Finally, at 10-9, I was serving for the match, and since I suffer from severe asthma, I thought at any point i would just pass out as I would so tired and out of breathe. I ended up winning the match 11-9 and I think both of us wanted to collapse afterwards. I really look forward to playing her again. 

7. Who are your favorite rivals in the league? Why? 
There are 4 players that I have played on more than 1 occasion and have yet to beat so I consider them my favorites as It will allow me to aspire to improve so one day, I will beat them.  Those players are Bill Inman, Susan Illman, Wendy Ham and Amy Hsu. They are all great people on and off the courts so I enjoy playing with them.

8. Do you have any other interesting comments about your experiences with the league? 
I wish the doubles program had been more successful but it's very hard coordinating 4 peoples schedules. I also see that the women's program includes all boroughs and skill levels. I think I would prefer it to be co-ed and divided by borough and skill level. This may allow more matches to take place and closer scores.

9. How did you get started playing tennis?
I grew up in a tennis family and they handed me a racquet at 4 years old. I can't say I really cared to use it much growing up as I was less interested in sports then as I am now. I finally became interested as a teenager and played 1st doubles on my high school team. I went on to play recreationally in college. Then I all but gave it up except for maybe once a year on vacation. This is my first season back to playing regularly since high school and I can't believe I ever put my racquet down, I'm absolutely loving being back out there. 
10. What level player are you? (NTRP rating) 
3.25 would be my best guess as that is my current tennis New York ranking.

11. What do you love about tennis? 
I love that it is a great workout and tests you both physically and mentally.

12. Who are your favorite pro players? Why? 
Andy Roddick and I am still trying not to process the fact that he is retired and would have loved to see him win just one more major. I also was a huge fan of Lleyton Hewitt as he had a quickness I had never seen in any other player and was amazed by the balls he could reach. Although age has slowed him down, now I just root for him to move past the first round or two. 

13. Tell us a little bit about yourself, for example: What do you do? Where did you grow up? What are your hobbies (besides tennis)? (Feel free to share any interesting details about your life.)
I'm a college academic advisor for one of the CUNY schools. I grew up at the Jersey Shore, went to graduate school in Arizona, and moved to NYC about 4 years ago. Aside from tennis, I also play volleyball and kickball every week. I love the theater and mystery novels.

A bit more about Arielle Shinder:  She has begun selling Jamberry Nail wraps, which are heat activated nail wraps. They last for weeks and come in 300+ designs including "Tennis" designs. They are available for purchase at 

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