Friday, November 9, 2018

Shannon Yee and Kelly Keegan - Making life friends through their local league.

Shannon Yee backhand
We caught up with Shannon Yee and Kelly Keegan out | Twin City Tennis League. They have both developed some great friendships in the league.  Shannon won her first ever championship during the Summer Season. Kelly is a two time champion. Photos were taken by Shannon's friend Xi Chen.   We are looking forward to Shannon and Kelly joining us on Nov. 30th in Miami for the 10th annual East Coast National Championship.

- Story updated 11/13/18 adding in Kelly Keegan's comments.

What do you like most about the league?

Shannon:  Flexible location and schedule, the opportunity of playing different lady with different level and styles, the opportunity of playing with the favorite opponent multiple times. 

Kelly:  I love that the league has all levels of players, that the schedule is flexible for those of us who are unable to dedicate a specific time and day each week, and most of all, I really enjoy the fun people I have met! I have made friends through this program and am so glad I joined.

Kelly hanging with Shannon
Tell us about your most memorable match(es)

Shannon:  I call my friend Kelly an "emotional" player.  Because on a good day, she will serve big, make opponent move like a dog, she's consistent on the base line, and approaches net, do all the tricks that only advanced player would do. On occasions, she rips out this scary overhead smash.  When I first played Kelly, I felt the only way I can get a game out of her is counting on the mercy that she might have an off day, which appeared to be the case.

On Sept. 8th, Kelly and I played the summer season championship against each other; it was a sunny day with a little autumn wind.  Like always Kelly started strong with very powerful serve, long deep baseline shot, sharp angles,  some aces.  I was pushed in defensive mood and struggle to hanging there, game is so close that our score walks like climbing stairs  1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 .. all the way to 6-6.  It was so long that 2 hours has passed and the wind became a little stronger, we feel we'll be on court forever .. Instead of full set, we decided to change to 10-games pro-set so we can eventually finish.  Kelly and I took a water break, 2 hours of non-stop run has consumed us pretty badly.

The wind was blowing even stronger after our water break, Kelly started to lose her concentration after we came to 7-7.  As a pusher I was exhausted and all I have is energy to give the ball back to her court .. Kelly’s aggressive nature showcases at that point she starts to hit very hard, too hard just slightly over the baseline, she gets to the net, and that little timing off caused by wind and exhaust made her miss, anxiety and a desire to make a quick win somewhat did the opposite.  Another hour later, we finished at 10-7, total of 3 hours for a 10-games match!!  I have to admit that tennis is such a thing that combines skill, physical and mental strength, strategy, and honestly some unpredictable good or bad luck.  In the end we were both glad to finally get over the longest match.

Kelly: The most memorable matches of mine are the league championships I've played, both won and lost. That and the matches that have been so close. Once Shannon and I played a match for two hours and we had to stop when it was dark at 6-6 in the first set. 

Julianne S.
Who are your favorite rivals in the league? Why?

Shannon:  Julia Ann for sure.  She is a USTA rated 4.0 player, super athletic, serious and passionate about tennis.  She brings the best of me and I feel each time I play her I get slightly better.

Kelly: Shannon Yee is my favorite for sure! She and I are closely matched, she is a delight and has the best quips.

Do you have any other interesting comments about your experiences with the league?

Shannon: The friend I made from Tennis Minneapolis is the best, it is so much easier to build friendships among people with similar interest.

Kelly:   I was nervous to join because I thought I would be outmatched and not very good. Instead, I have seen my game improve and the league has provided me a source of pride - not only for my play, but the fact that had the courage to put myself out there.

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