Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tennis League Network is proud to announce our partnership with Elite Tennis Travel

Tennis League Network, llc (TLN) is proud to announce our new partnership with Elite Tennis Travel (ETT). 

We caught up with Lisa Scholtes, managing partner and Adriana Isaza, CEO from ETT over the holidays to learn more about their company.  

Q. What services do Elite Tennis Travel provide?
ETT creates custom tennis and cultural immersion trips to gorgeous destinations around the world. Whether you’re a player or a spectator, we can design the ideal trip for you.  We already know lots of great league members in the NYC area, and we’re excited to connect with other tennis enthusiasts from across the US.

Q.  Tell us about yourselves.  How’d you get involved in the tennis travel business?
Adriana was a pro tennis player and a tennis instructor for many years, and combined her love of the game with her interest in travel to launch ETT.  She started by taking her fans and students to big tournaments, so they could experience the matches through the eyes of a professional tennis player.  

Lisa has no tennis skills whatsoever, and has been faking an injury for years.  Luckily, she worked in sports marketing for a long time, and can occasionally come up with a good marketing idea.  So, she gets to stick around.

Q.  What do you like most about your job? What was your most memorable trip?

We both love getting out and meeting fun people with similar interests. We’ve made many lifelong friends through our tennis travels – it’s been really rewarding.  Also, we’re grateful that we get the chance to travel to incredible places. We both love our program in Cuba, but Adriana will always have a soft spot for the Barcelona Open, which was our very first destination.  

Q.  What are you planning to offer to TLN members?

Our goal is to introduce members to unique tennis opportunities that they don’t know about, or assume are out of reach. Maybe the French Open is on your bucket list?  We can help you get there. Or maybe you need a fresh idea for a tennis get-away weekend with your teammates? Come check out the new Rafa Nadal Academy in Cancun. Whatever your tennis dream is, we want to help you achieve it.  We’re really excited to be part of the TLN family. Thanks for having us!

Currently Elite Tennis Travel is offering packages to Indian Wells and Havana, Cuba. We'll be keeping our marketing page for ETT up to date: https://www.tennis-miami.com/info2/Elite_Tennis_Travel

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