Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Going Local in 2019

     Tennis League Network is ever evolving with trying to fulfill its goal to be a great flex league option for more tennis players across the United States.   In 2019 we are capitalizing on our plans to be a more local option.

       In Washington DC where the city is broken into 3 major playing regions:  No. Virginia, Metro DC (NW, NE, SW & SE) plus Montgomery County.   Montgomery County has always been tougher for our program to break into.  We have created a partnership with Tennis Topia the regions largest tennis store to open a whole new franchise, TennisMoCo.com, that will specifically service Rockville, Gaithersburg and Bethesda tennis players.

In San Francisco we now have 4 total leagues for players to get local tennis players:

In Los Angeles where players from some parts of the city would almost need their passport to go to other parts of the city:

The newest in our tremendous ideas to go more local is the flex leagues based around some of our most active tennis facilities in our largest franchises.  We are now running a long flex league where players are assumed to play the matches at that specific facility.




Washington DC:

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Veteran Discounts has been greatly improved

April 11th, 2019  -  What makes Tennis League Network the best online tennis community is we attracted a passionate community of tennis players that's all about getting out onto the tennis courts and playing this sport we all love.

After 14 years of service and 10+ years in some of our largest locations the players who keep coming back season after season and year after year make this program work.

Being a mindful business these are OUR core customers.  it's these tennis players we are always trying to improve the experience.  Over the next year the mobile Apps (IOS and Android) will go through monolithic changes and we're working with our most senior veterans to make the changes they are requesting.

We're very happy to announce these new discounts for veteran players:

If you have played 50+ or more matches in your career you'll get a new 5% off discount.
1,829 Players have qualified for this discount.

If you have played 100+ or more matches in your career you'll now get 12% off (Use to be 10%).
671 Players qualify for this discount.
24 Women have qualified for this discount.

If you have played 200+ or more matches in your career you'll now get 25% off (Use to be 20%).
191 Players qualify for this discount.

If you have played 400+ or more matches in your career you'll now get 40% off (Use to be 33%).
25 Players qualify for this discount.

The current magic 25:
T. Hennessy - TennisCleveland
P. Harris - TennisDC
T. Trotter - TennisFtLauderdale
G.Rodriguez - TennisLosAngeles
J. Oh - TennisLosAngeles
B. Nazy - TennisLosAngeles
T. Pukprayura - TennisLosAngeles
M. Saavedra - TennisLosAngeles
A. Krishna - TennisLosAngeles
V. Ionescu-Tiba - TennisLosAngeles
S. Chocron - TennisLosAngeles
V. Kowalewski - TennisLosAngeles
K. Tomita - TennisLosAngeles
A. McCormac - TennisLosAngeles
A. De Castro - TennisLosAngeles
D. Smolkin - TennisLosAngeles
M. Morejon - Tennis-Miami
S. Hesley - TennisMinneapolis
A. Wood Jr - TennisNewYork
J. Horan - TennisNorthEast
S. Chagnon - TennisNortheast
A. Ganeshkumar - TennisNorthEast
A. Patel RIP -  TennisOC
D. Tolbert   -  TennisPhilly
E. Castillo - TennisSF

We actually have two players that have played 1,000 or more matches.  That story is here:

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rule Change: We added 'Fast Tennis' / Next Gen tennis format as a playing format

Staying on the cutting edge of good tennis modifications we're now allowing players to play the Fast Tennis format as a valid league match.

1d) Fast Tennis - 4 game pro sets
This comes by many names: NextGen Format is another one of them. This format keeps even a full match to no more than 1 hour and 30 minutes. First to 4 games, 3 set format with No ad scoring. Play 7 point tie-breakers at 3-3. At deuce the next point is a golden point with the receiver having choice of side. 
Tennis League Network used this format at the 2018 National Championship and it was a raving success. The format has several tension points throughout the match in comparison to a 10 game pro set. Basically all 3 sets can be contested. Leading to a lot of important points throughout the shorter match. Of course a 4-0, 4-0 double bagel could end super quick but maybe that's a good thing.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Rule Change: New Players to the League need to play 6 matches before they are playoff qualified

Rule 9a) New players need to play 6 matches before they are playoff eligible - Updated 4/3/19
A new player will now need to play 6 different opponents before they are playoff eligible. Even if the playoff criteria is 3 wins / 4 matches played or 2 wins / 3 matches played they will need to play at least 6 matches to be entered into their first playoff draw. This rule is only for Singles leagues and not doubles leagues. At 6 matches Tennis League Network is near 95% certain the new player will be in the right playoff level.
This will really help with crowning the right champions of a season. Over the years we've had too many new players play the bare minimum number of matches which in turn didn't give us the results to promote them to the right level. 
It will also start to get new players on board that this is a VERY active tennis community where playoffs are earned by who ever qualifies. The team has debated this rule for nearly 6 months now and it's time to implement it. 
New Players will be informed in the league emails and when they are logged in on their division page or in the App's Division page. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Rolling Back Prices


Tennis League Network will soon be in it's 45th location.  We have an active and vibrant community in nearly all of the locations.  Our longest standing and largest communities have always had a max price of $34.95 where our newest and smaller communities typically pay no more than $29.95.    Well NOT any more.  The new max price any player will pay for a league will be $29.95. 

    We continue our early sign up discounts pricing policy.  Typically most leagues are anywhere 10% to 25% off full price depending how far from the start date the upcoming league is. So sign up early to pay even less.

    We have competitors out there actually trying to charge $39.95 for their inferior product.  We're just taking one more step to stay light years ahead of the competition.   Lastly this is a continue example of our 'Constant Improvement' philosophy.