Thursday, April 11, 2019

Veteran Discounts has been greatly improved

April 11th, 2019  -  What makes Tennis League Network the best online tennis community is we attracted a passionate community of tennis players that's all about getting out onto the tennis courts and playing this sport we all love.

After 14 years of service and 10+ years in some of our largest locations the players who keep coming back season after season and year after year make this program work.

Being a mindful business these are OUR core customers.  it's these tennis players we are always trying to improve the experience.  Over the next year the mobile Apps (IOS and Android) will go through monolithic changes and we're working with our most senior veterans to make the changes they are requesting.

We're very happy to announce these new discounts for veteran players:

If you have played 50+ or more matches in your career you'll get a new 5% off discount.
1,829 Players have qualified for this discount.

If you have played 100+ or more matches in your career you'll now get 12% off (Use to be 10%).
671 Players qualify for this discount.
24 Women have qualified for this discount.

If you have played 200+ or more matches in your career you'll now get 25% off (Use to be 20%).
191 Players qualify for this discount.

If you have played 400+ or more matches in your career you'll now get 40% off (Use to be 33%).
25 Players qualify for this discount.

The current magic 25:
T. Hennessy - TennisCleveland
P. Harris - TennisDC
T. Trotter - TennisFtLauderdale
G.Rodriguez - TennisLosAngeles
J. Oh - TennisLosAngeles
B. Nazy - TennisLosAngeles
T. Pukprayura - TennisLosAngeles
M. Saavedra - TennisLosAngeles
A. Krishna - TennisLosAngeles
V. Ionescu-Tiba - TennisLosAngeles
S. Chocron - TennisLosAngeles
V. Kowalewski - TennisLosAngeles
K. Tomita - TennisLosAngeles
A. McCormac - TennisLosAngeles
A. De Castro - TennisLosAngeles
D. Smolkin - TennisLosAngeles
M. Morejon - Tennis-Miami
S. Hesley - TennisMinneapolis
A. Wood Jr - TennisNewYork
J. Horan - TennisNorthEast
S. Chagnon - TennisNortheast
A. Ganeshkumar - TennisNorthEast
A. Patel RIP -  TennisOC
D. Tolbert   -  TennisPhilly
E. Castillo - TennisSF

We actually have two players that have played 1,000 or more matches.  That story is here:

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