Friday, June 5, 2020

Tennis League Network terminates partnership with Universal Tennis Rating

On June 4th, 2020 Tennis League Network, llc submitted its letter of dissolution to the team members at Universal Tennis Rating (UTR). After 2 years of trying to work with the team at UTR the writing was on the wall.

This was the final numbers on the partnership:
* 4,120 Tennis League Network (TLN) players were connected with UTR and obtained ratings
* Over 150,000 emails were sent from TLN promoting UTR
* Very visible and obvious UTR placement on the 40+ city network of TLN websites and mobile App(s)

In return UTR provided:
* 2 players joined TLN, only 1 was a paying customer
* No emails from UTR promoting the TLN relationship
* No TLN placement on UTR website
* 1 blog entry about the TLN partnership

True definition of a partnership is when both entities benefit from the arrangement. Sadly UTR never fulfilled their obligations in the partnership agreement that was signed on March 27th, 2019.

We do apologize to the players who found value in having their UTR updated with match results. TLN is not on board to further increase UTR's brand without reciprocation.

With failure comes great change, expect something pretty cool coming to the TLN network over the next 30 days.

-Steven Chagnon
Tennis League Network, llc

We tried hard over the past 6 months to push UTR to support the partnership.  Tennis League Network and Universal Tennis Rating are natural partners if their intentions were pure.

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