Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Matthew Horwich - Dedicated Tennis Player is Out in All Weathers

Matthew has been playing with Tennis Cleveland for three years now and found the Tennis League Network after searching through the wide range of tennis leagues on offer. None of them offer the flexibility and number of players that he wanted except for Tennis Cleveland.
He currently plays in Cleveland's Spring Season Division A and is a 3.5 rated player. Matthew considers himself a competitive league player but he also plays in the partner program and the tennis ladder. He actually won the 2013 Spring Season lower division.  

Matthew didn't play a lot of tennis while in grade school. However, it was not until later in life, when a girlfriend encouraged him to pick up a racket again, that he started to play again. He began playing semi-regularly with some friends, but he knew they would never be as serious about the game as he was becoming. So he joined Tennis Cleveland and now plays as much as six times a week... now that's commitment! 

For Matthew, playing tennis is about improving his game and he looks for every opportunity to take on all players seeded above him. If he can find an opponent rated at 4.0-4.5 who is willing to play a less seasoned player, then he will take the opportunity to improve his game. Subsequently, Matthew’s win/loss record is of secondary importance to him; his priority is playing the better players as often as possible.
Matthew is a self-employed private tutor, which allows for a flexible schedule when it comes to his tennis. As such, dedicated to his tennis, he has no problem with playing at 6:00am but is equally at home with a little tennis nightcap. In fact, ever the dedicated sportsman, Matthew even has a list of indoor tennis facilities for when the weather is not suitable for outdoor play. That’s Cleveland for you!

Tennis, like all sports, allows for competition but it also has a great social aspect where people with a passion for tennis can meet in and outside of the league. Matthew loves to meet up with other players who are passionate about the game.

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