Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Update: Thank you to the most Active Tennis Players in our Program!

Thank you to the most Active Tennis Players in our Program!

You make our program run like a well oiled machine.  You know how to compromise and are a master with scheduling with other players whether they are veterans or new to the program.

It's time to really say thank you.

More than 200 to 399 Matches: 5% off all league programs
More than 400 Matches: 10% off all league programs

We have a bunch of players who have hit each criteria:
More than 200 to 399 Matches: 40 players have made this criteria
More than 400 Matches: 5 players: Mark Stern and Al Ganeshkumar out of Boston, Ajay Patel out of TennisOC, Marcelo Saavedra and Valentin Ionescu-Tiba out of Tennis Los Angeles.
More than 675 Matches:   Steven Chagnon
Yes, the owner of the network is also the player who has played the most number of matches over the years.
Tennis League Network, it's where players come to play!

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