Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Ali Oromchian - appreciates tennis for its blend of physical agility, mental strategy

We caught up with Ali Oromchian whose played an amazing 73 matches over the past year.  Here's his TLN story. 

Which league are you a member of?  

I’m part of East Bay Tennis League which is in the SF Bay Area

How long have you participated in your league?  

2 years.

How did you first learn about it?  

I was playing in a different league and one of the players highly recommended it because of the type of players and the ability to play a lot of matches. 

How often do you play? 

I tried to play 3 to 4 times per week if my travel schedule allows.

What do you like most about the league? 

I love the competitive nature and camaraderie that comes with it as everyone tries really hard, but doesn’t take themselves too seriously. More importantly, everyone has things to work on and so it’s fun seeing the different things people do and how they try to challenge themselves.  Additionally, except for one situation where a player was using his watch to call balls in and out (incorrectly I might add), the sportsmanship and respect among players is a highlight of this league. 

Tell us about your most memorable match(es). 

I think my most memorable match was a regular season match where the opponent was in a league above me but we were both above 40 so we could play against each other, and we went to three sets with a score of 6-7, 7-6, 7-6. It was close to a three hour match and it took me a few days to recover so thank god I won.  

Who are your favorite rivals in the league? Why? 

There are some really great relationship I’ve built over the past two years but I enjoy playing against Chuck as he always destroys me in the first set and then the game gets competitive. I also like playing against Marco as we basically started at the same time.  

Do you have any other interesting comments about your experiences with the league? 

I think one of the best experiences I’ve had in the league was going to the national championship in Miami and getting to play against people from across the country. 

How did you get started playing tennis? 

I picked it up about 2.5 years ago after years of wanting to play but not having the time.   I regret not playing as a kid as it’s a great active sport.  

Do you play to compete, or for fun?  

I play because it’s fun but I compete hard because what’s the point if you don’t want to win every point:)

What level player are you?

(NTRP rating) 3.5

What do you love about tennis?  

I appreciate tennis for its blend of physical agility, mental strategy, and the individual nature of the sport. Each match is a test of endurance, skill, and tactical thinking.

Who are your favorite pro players? Why? 

Andre Agassi because his unique playing style, with powerful groundstrokes and exceptional return of serve, made his matches exciting to watch.  And I love his comeback story as everyone thought he was done.  

Tell us a little bit about yourself, for example: What do you do? Where did you grow up? What are your hobbies (besides tennis)?

I’m an attorney and grew up in the Bay Area and have been here for 40 years.  I have three girls so they keep me busy which is why tennis is a great stress reliever for me.   One interesting detail is that I was rescued once by a helicopter when I was hiking in a very remote area and got lost using a hiking app.

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