Monday, March 15, 2010

Can't Wait to Play With Tennis Philly

Get Ready, Get Set, Go?

Not yet. I’m waiting and waiting to play with TennisPhilly, the heart and soul of warm weather tennis for me. I may be waiting, but I really can’t wait. I’ve even contacted players I know from previous seasons to find out whether they will join this year--and to hit them over the head with my racket to make sure that they do. I can hardly believe that this will be my fourth season! Each year, the league has supplied me with a pool of at least 15 compatible players in my geographic location. I know some of them from previous years; others are new.

Let me tell you about the advantages and what Tennis Philadelphia gives to me. First, I find a lot of players, which I couldn’t otherwise do. Why? It’s expensive to belong to a club, and I just don’t have the opportunity to find players. Second, we generally play at the same level. We play on public courts that are in excellent shape. Some are fewer than five minutes from home, none farther than 20 minutes. Some players have become friends outside of tennis because we have found that we like each other or have more things in common than tennis. Other than the initial fee, there is no cost—except for the new can of balls I give to the winner. And, as Steve Chagnon will tell you, I don’t win much. So I buy at least two cases of balls a season—because I play a lot and because I lose a lot. But, TennisPhilly helps me to keep on trying. I wouldn’t miss out on it. And neither should you.

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