Find a Tennis Partner, Play a Match or Just Hit Around. The Point isn't Match Point but to Simply Enjoy the Game.
It’s time for a quick review of the Tennis League Network programs: The League and the Partners program. This is part one of two. The League:
It’s tennis weather (well, almost, depending on where you live). So get out your racket, tennis balls, and tennis clothes to get ready for spring matches. But what if you don’t have people to play with? You may be new to town, new to the game, or just looking for matches with new people. One of the leagues in Tennis League Network could be just what you need.
Ours is an online community in 34 cities and metro areas that connect you with dedicated local tennis players of every level -- from beginners to advanced players-- who want to play singles, and play a lot, whether it’s during the day, after work, or on weekends. For our full list of communities just go to: make sure that both men and women are connected with tennis players of compatible skill levels. To do that, we break down the member players by geographical location, gender and skill level. At the start of each of the three 8-week seasons—spring, summer, and fall—member players receive a kickoff email with important information about the league, the link for league standings, as well as players’ contact information (phone and email). This comes along with a guarantee of 6 playing partners at your playing level. Fortunately, the list has been averaging closer to 15+ dedicated tennis partners in most cities. Membership fee is depends on the location and players think it’s well worth it. It’s a popular program. More than 15,000 people have participated in leagues over the past 6+ years.
Each league provides each member of the men’s and the women’s groups with a list of players for each season. Players can set up as many or as few matches as they want. Match results are posted on the site, and an end-of-season playoff determines a league champion. Players can use three playing formats: 2 out of 3 sets, 2 sets with 10 point super tie-breaker, or the 10- game pro set (First to 10, used when court time is limited).
The league strongly suggests that players jointly try to pick a tennis court location convenient to both. We provide an extensive list of tennis courts for each area, including details such as # of courts, lighting, hitting walls, etc. We strive to keep this list fresh and up-to-date; players are encouraged to pass along any updated information.
Our online communities are now looking for more dedicated players to be apart of the fun. Visit one of these sites to find an online community that will help you find players.
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