Wednesday, March 17, 2010 offers 10% product discount for League Players

Brent Abel

Improve Your Game: Hire a Virtual Tennis “Dad”

Players who follow pro tennis are probably familiar with the story of how Richard Williams used tennis instructional videos to teach Venus and Serena how to play tennis. And we all know how that turned out! Well, who needs Richard Williams when we can have our own virtual “dad” with videos from Brent Abel’s, This unique site is packed with more than a dozen free videos, and others that league participants can purchase at a 10% discount.        
Free tennis videos? A 10% discount? Right on both counts. I am pleased to tell you that Tennis League Network has created a new partnership with What does that mean to you? If as a league/partner program player you decide to “hire” Mr. Abel as your virtual “dad,” you will automatically get the 10% discount on any products you purchase. I think it’s a good deal., offers video instruction on just about every shot and every aspect of the game.
Let me tell you something about Brent Abel. He is Tennis Director and Head Professional at California Tennis Club in San Francisco, and has been teaching tennis for more than 30 years. “Over that time,” Brent says, I've developed an ‘all-court’ tennis instructional system that is based on the true fundamentals of the game. I started this "all-court" instructional website and weekly newsletter in July 2002. There are currently over 21,000 subscribers.
“My system simply gets results and my students become ‘all-court’ players who are proficient at both singles and doubles. This stuff works and you can learn it, even if you're not the most athletic guy or gal on the block, or if you don't have 5 hours a day seven days a week to devote to getting better. The heavy top-spinners grinding from the baseline are easy pickings in tournaments and eventually their arms are either going to fall off or their brains will just blow up from the boredom and frustration of being so one-dimensional. As we get older, we play more doubles than we did when we were younger. Players with extreme grips who mostly play singles from behind the baseline normally make pretty pathetic doubles players. Don't let yourself do it, get on the right track with strokes you can use forever and give yourself a game for a lifetime... tennis. I can show you how to dramatically improve any or all of your tennis strokes. “

Tennis League Network went into partnership with Brent because it lets me add another dimension to your membership in our program. You have an opportunity to improve your game and learn to do better against your league opponents! In other words, you can get a lot out of Here is more of what Brent has to say about it:

• A free weekly instructional VIDEO newsletter delivered directly to your email Inbox with a real tip or two that you can use in your game immediately. No worn out tired tennis teaching clichés here, real instruction that gets results.

• Online detailed stroke and strategy lessons that feature simple to understand instruction using text, photos, audio clips, and video clips

• A line of high quality instructional products developed by Brent (DVDs, CDs, instant video downloads, etc.) that are designed to help you get the results you want in an easy to understand, plain English format and practice plan.

• Live instructional teleconferences and Webinars, where I present a certain topic where you can ask specific questions about your tennis game and get answers right then and there

• Follow up. The key to any high quality instructional program is follow up. I stay with you throughout your learning process, giving you the opportunity to ask questions via email or my toll free line.

• Quality learning aids. I endorse only a handful of what I consider to be important and useful learning products. I offer these to my subscribers at very competitive prices, with a 10% discount for Tennis League Network players. “My instructional products are 100% guaranteed or your money back. No questions, no nothing. I am supremely confident that I can help you...”

Clearly, Abel knows what he is talking about. His has a winning record as a competitive player, and impressive credentials as teaching pro (see below)

• 2009 National 60s Hard court Singles Champion

• 2009 National 60s Hard court Doubles Semis

• 2009 Pacific Coast 60s Singles Champion

• 2009 Pacific Coast 60s Doubles Finals (Rained Out)

• 2009 Marin 60s Singles Champion

• 2009 Marin 60s Doubles Champion

• 2009 World Team Matches - USA VonCramm Cup Team Member - Silver Medalists - Perth Australia

• National 35s Hard court Doubles title in 1984, and ranked #1 in the U.S. in doubles that year...

What’s the benefit to you? Abel will help you:

• Understand the simple yet essential keys to Footwork - yep, this is a game of movement, right?! You can quickly improve a decisive first step, efficient movement, proper spacing away from the incoming ball for a perfect hitting position

• Develop the necessary mental skills for practice and competition

Are you sick and tired of playing great in practice situations and then stinking up the place in either league or tournament matches?

• Reap the benefits of becoming more focused on court positioning - Finally understand exactly how superior court positioning in your singles and doubles strategies can have an enormous effect on challenging your opponents,

• Get fitter and learn simple exercises for tennis specific injury prevention, greatly reduce the risk of tennis elbow, rotator cuff, and other tennis related injuries

• Learn to become an "all-court" tennis player, how to stop being a one-dimensional predominately baseline player

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